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Harbottle and Lewis

Boosting press and new business for a leading law firm.


Increase the profile of Harbottle & Lewis as a media, entertainment and employment firm, not just as legal representatives of the Royal Family for which they were mainly known.


Approach: Identifying news opportunities before they happen and reacting rapidly when unexpected news breaks.


Consistent high-calibre coverage ahead of key rivals over three years (and counting), reaching target online and offline audiences through the UK broadsheets, notably the Financial Times and The Times, as well as key trade press such as The Bookseller and Broadcast. For example, our planning for the introduction of the Equality Act 2010 secured a Harbottle employment lawyer the Radio Four Today programme (prime 8.10 interview slot), BBC news bulletins throughout the day, The One and Six 0 Clock TV news, Sky News and a leading article in The Times law reports (7 Oct).


Raise awareness of Harbottle & Lewis as the law firm for gay parents to use if they have separation or adoption issues. Give them ownership of the idea that couples should reach agreements before conception


The phrase "pre-conception agreement" describes the act of setting out rights prior to having children in a non-traditional way and we built a campaign around pushing this new idea to the media. The "pre-con" was sold in exclusively to The Sunday Times, which spawned a spread of further coverage. The lawyer has since been interviewed on Radio Four Woman's Hour. Subsequent interviews appeared in all the target gay media - Pink Parenting magazine, Diva, Gaydar Radio, The Pink Paper). The lawyer is now a regular columnist on issues affecting gay parenting.


Harbottle & Lewis was recently named Innovative Law Firm of the Year by the Financial Times as a result of "pre-conception agreements".